The Institut Pasteur of Madagascar (IPM) is a non-profit Malagasy private scientific institution and recognized of public utility.
It is under the patronage of the Government of the Malagasy Republic and governed by the 1961 agreement that binds the Institut Pasteur of Paris and the Ministry of Health in Madagascar. IPM is a member of the Institut Pasteur International Network (the IPIN), which associates 33 institutes present on the fi ve continents. It shares the Pastorian values and the ethical charter to which all Pasteur institutes are linked.
The IPM’s mission is to contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases and to economic development through research, training and public health activities.
The IPM uses its own funds through its diagnostic and immunization activities. It also receives funding from private and public organizations. The IPM thanks all those who support them in their mission and those who trust them, such as : the French Ministries of Research and of Foreign Affairs (including the 5% Global Fund system), the USAID, the President Malaria Initiative, the CDC, the DHHS (Department of health in the USA), the Ministry of Public Health in Madagascar, the Global Fund, the European Union, Monaco, Fondation Total, Sanofi-Aventis, the Association Orange Solidarity, Telma Foundation, Reunion Region, the pharmaceutical industry and other economic operators.
In order to sustain its activities, the IPM is open to technical and/or financial partnership from private and public organizations that share its vision and strive to be an actor in the field of research, training and public health. As a non-profit private organization, IPM is authorized to receive donations and legacies.